Multi-Threaded Root Folder Size Calculator

Posted Saturday, January 14, 2012 in Old JamesCMS Posts

Need a rediculously complicated method of determining the size of root folders in a directory? Well here's the script for you. The primary use of this is when you need to get the size of very many very large folders such as user profile folders on a share drive.

function Git-RootFoldersSizes2 ($path, $threads) {            
`$path = `$args[0]
`$sum = Get-ChildItem `$path -recurse -ea 0 -Force |
measure -Property Length -Sum |
Select -ExpandProperty Sum
“{0:N2}” -f (`$sum / 1MB)
“@ | out-file “$env:temp\computesize.ps1”            
$sw = new-object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch            
$report = new-object system.collections.arraylist            
Remove-Job -state completed            
if ($threads -eq $null) {$threads = 4} else {$threads --}            
Get-ChildItem $path | where {$_.mode -eq “d----”} |%{            
  $temp = “” | select Name, Path, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Size            
  write-progress -activity “Discovering Folders” -status $_.Name            
  $temp.Name = $_.Name            
  $temp.Path = $_.FullName            
  $temp.CreationTime = $_.CreationTime            
  $temp.LastWriteTime = $_.LastWriteTime            
  $report.add($temp) | out-null            
$total = $report.count            
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $total; $i ++)            
 $running = @(get-job -state running).count   
 while ($running -gt $threads)
  sleep .1            
  $running = @(get-job -state running).count            
 start-job -FilePath “$env:temp\computesize.ps1” -ArgumentList $report[$i].Path -Name $report[$i].Name | out-null            
 if ((get-job -state Running | select Name) -ne $null)            
  $complete = @(get-job -state completed).count            
  $percent = (($complete / $total) * 100)            
  $status = “Threads Running: “ + @(get-job -state running).count + “  Threads Completed: “ + $complete + “   Remaining: “ + ($total - $complete)            
  write-progress -activity “Computing Folder Sizes” -status $status -PercentComplete $percent            
$running = @(get-job -state running).count            
while ($running -gt 0)            
 wait-job -state Running -any | out-null            
 $running = @(get-job -state running).count            
 if ((get-job -state Running | select Name) -ne $null)            
  $complete = @(get-job -state completed).count            
  $percent = (($complete / $total) * 100)            
  $status = “Threads Running: “ + @(get-job -state running).count + “  Threads Completed: “ + $complete + “   Remaining: “ + ($total - $complete)            
  write-progress -activity “Computing Folder Sizes” -status $status -PercentComplete $percent            
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $total; $i ++)            
 $report[$i].Size = Receive-Job -Name $report[$i].Name            
$report | Select name, Size, CreationTime, LastWriteTime | sort {[double] $_.Size} -descending            
$elapsed = “{0:00} min {1:00}.{2:0000} sec” -f $sw.Elapsed.Minutes, $sw.Elapsed.Seconds, $sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds            
write-host “”            
write-host $elapsed -foregroundcolor yellow            